Via Biagi 1 Casorate Primo (Pv) Italy
Mon-Fri 8:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
...1978-2024 Over 45 years serving industry
Italson Acoustic Insulation

leader in acoustic insulation market for worldwide contractor


Over 300 reference from worldwide leading company.

Over 6800 installations in 40 countries with outstanding performance.

1978-2024 over 45 years of excellence in industry applications.


Civil Soundproofing

The soundproofing of the building aims to reduce the nuisance from the building itself, to that end, the most common solution is to completely cover the walls, floor and ceiling of the room with screens and sound insulating panels, integrating then with the eventual installation of acoustic doors and windows.


Contact Us

Phone:  +39 (02) 90-56-233
Address:   Via Marco Biagi 1
Casorate Primo, 27022 PV

Mail:   [email protected]

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